How Video Production Agencies Help Small Business Grow

As a small business, building your online presence is an essential part of growing your customer base. Photos and videos are very important in this regard and can attract the attention of customers that would not otherwise engage with your company. In the early stages, your visual content plays a huge role in establishing your business identity, and the next steps require just as much attention to your image.

Small business owners work hard juggling all it takes to get up and running, but they don't have the tools or experience to produce the level of visual content that their new brand deserves. In order to promote themselves in a way that will get people's attention, they might want to consider working with a production agency!

Leave It To The Professionals

As a full-service production agency, Stll Studios works with established and new brands to produce professionally-directed videos and photos that help them tell their story, connect with customers, and increase sales.

Video content is one of the primary ways people find new brands, products, and services. It's important for small companies to get their name out there so they can be discovered by as many people as possible—and it's easier than ever when you work with a highly-skilled team of creative professionals.

The cost and complexity for small businesses to produce visually-pleasing content are high. Working together with a video production agency like us, small businesses don't have to worry about getting into the business of making their own videos or hiring freelancers - we do it all for them! We'll work with their team to envision and create high-quality content that will increase sales and help grow their company's online presence. Working with a production agency helps small business owners save time while elevating the quality of the content they are distributing.

It can be tempting to produce the content yourself, but producing videos and images for the first time can be quite the challenge. It requires countless hours of work and expensive gear to ensure a polished end product. When you hire professionals, your investment has a guaranteed return - high quality content that you can use for years to come for a variety of different purposes.

Ever-increasingly Digital World

The internet is a place for small businesses to grow their influence. The best way to do this is by creating content that's both professional and engaging. A visually appealing website, interactive presence on major social media platforms, and marketing strategy that attracts your ideal clientele all start with producing and distributing stellar content. The best way for small businesses to achieve higher visibility online is by hiring a production agency that can produce unique video content that tells their company's story in an engaging way—allowing them to reach their target audience on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

The Right Partnership

As a small business, we love working alongside our peers and helping small businesses grow and thrive. We want our clients to succeed, and we know that good content helps them do just that.

Creating quality content can be challenging, especially if you're not a video or photo expert. But with the right team behind you, it's easier than you think. We work together with your team to figure out what you need, when you need it, and for what purpose. We can help you think about media strategy and placement, and produce content that fits your exact needs, aesthetics, and expectations.

The key to success is working with a production agency that understands your needs, wants, and goals—and then works with them to produce professionally shot and directed videos and photos that will help you reach your goals.

The importance of finding the right partnership for your company should not be overlooked. Having a great relationship with your creative team and trusting that they will bring your vision to life is key. These relationships are generally long-lasting - as your business grows so will your need for new content, and who better to produce it than the team that was with you from the start? As you expand, your content will always be on brand, as the creative team you're working with becomes more and more familiar with your needs, playing a significant role in establishing your brand's visual identity from the beginning.

At Stll Studios, we understand that having a great relationship with your creative team is essential. That's why we always make sure that every client meets and works directly with the person who will bring their vision to life—no middleman required! When you work with us, you'll get full access to our production team - production managers, directors, videographers, photographers, editors, and account executives. We are a small team of creative and talented individuals who take pride in our work and our professional relationships.

Results-based Investment

Professional videos and photos are influential on social media, as well as landing pages, blogs, and email marketing, and virtually every part of your business’ marketing strategy. Creative content that is well-produced establishes your brand’s identity, credibility, and trust with customers.

In a nutshell, content marketing is the process of creating valuable, relevant content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience. It's also a way to get your business in front of new audiences by encouraging them to share your content.

We know how important it is for small businesses to have a strong online presence, so we take the time to get to know our clients before we start shooting. Our goal is to craft smart and meaningful content for your brand. This way, we can ensure that our end product is exactly what they need to attract and retain customers.

Types of Video Content

We understand the importance of quality content and branding for small businesses. We produce all types of digital content - ecommerce or lifestyle photography, videography, vlogs, podcasts - everything with a purpose and a plan behind it, ultimately leading your business to achieving its goals.

Below we outline a few of the top types of videos we produce that have provided past customers with unbelievably positive results.

Product Videos - These clips can range from 10 seconds to 3 minutes and serve to showcase a product or service, highlighting its key features, exemplifying the lifestyle they make possible, and incentivizes the viewer to make a purchase.

Social Media Content - A big challenge for small businesses is creating enough content to keep their social media accounts active. Social media content can be expensive and time-consuming to produce, but it's also crucial to your brand's success. When producing these, we shoot on vertical, to fit phone screens and optimize them to be shared on major social media platforms. They can either be posted directly on your brand’s account or as paid ads, but should be of the highest quality to grab and maintain your viewer’s attention.

Cinematic Content - These are some of our favorite content to produce. The clips can range from 30 seconds to 10 minutes and are story-centered, deeply cinematic and moving. For extra visibility, they can be submitted to film festivals, to be viewed and stand the chance of winning national awards.

Meet The Team Videos - Small businesses have pride in their team, and they want to share it with the world. A short video that introduces your team establishes trust with potential customers and clients, which is essential for small businesses who might not have the brand recognition of larger companies. Your team is your biggest asset and these short clips showcasing your business allow people to connect with the people behind it.

TV Commercials - These are not just your classic commercials. When done with class and expertise these can involve the audience emotionally, be humorous, or informative. The right commercial can get your brand name out there in a big way.

Vlogs and Podcasts - Vlogs and podcasts are two of the most popular types of visual content for small businesses, and they can be used for everything from marketing to customer service to building a steady community around your brand. These are an easy, low-cost way to build your brand and share your message with the world. They can be distributed through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube—and there are many other websites that will also host your content for added visibility.

As you may have noticed, when it comes to content production, we know what we’re doing and we love doing it. We are Stll Studios, a full service production company with experience in all areas of the video production process.

Got any questions? Send us an inquiry and let’s make some magic!


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